Unravelling the Palaeolithic 2023
Where? Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
When? Friday the 31st of March to Saturday the 1st of April 2023
Welcome to the Unravelling the Palaeolithic 2023 (UTP 2023) conference page!
The Unravelling the Palaeolithic conference is a student-led symposium that is aimed at bringing together human origins researchers and institutions from across the world. The UTP conference was inaugurated on the 28-29th of January 2011, to celebrate ten years of Centre for the Archaeology of Human Archaeology (CAHO) research here at Southampton. After the success of its first year, it was proposed to make the conference an annual event, hosted in turn by Southampton and five other universities (Liverpool, Cambridge, Durham, Oxford and York). The time has come for Southampton to host again, and we are very pleased to invite you to the UTP 2023 conference on the 31st of March to the 1st of April 2023 at Avenue Campus, University of Southampton. We look forward to welcoming everyone to share their research and learn about the most exciting areas of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology.
This is a hybrid event, offering both in-person and online platforms to make it more flexible for both the speakers and attendees wanting to join from further afield.
General information
If you would like to know about arrival and registration, how to get here, accommodation and places to eat and drink, please check out the relevant pages in the menu.
Keynote Address
We are delighted to announce that Dr Eleanor Scerri will be our Keynote Speaker for UTP 2023. Dr Scerri is a Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins (University of Southampton) alum and was recently made the ‘Lise Meitner’ Associate Professor at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology where she heads up the Pan-African evolution and ERC IslandLab groups. Dr Scerri is also an affiliated Associate Professor in the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Malta and Reader in the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Cologne.
To find out more information on Dr Scerri’s research, head over to http://www.eleanorscerri.com.
Meet Our Sponsors
UTP 2023 is proudly sponsored by the Society for Archaeological Sciences, Dr Coco’s Academic Proofreading Service, Archaeopress, The Prehistoric Society, the Council for British Archaeology and Brewhouse and Kitchen.

Paper and Poster Prizes
In recognition of the hard work that goes into preparing conference papers and posters, two of our sponsors have generously offered to award prizes for the best paper and poster presented during UTP 2023. The winners of each category will be decided by a CAHO judging panel.
A Paper Prize of £150 will be awarded by the Society for Archaeological Sciences.
A Poster Prize of £50 will be awarded by Dr Coco’s Academic Proofreading Service.
Conference proceedings
Archaeopress and The Prehistoric Society are generously sponsoring funds towards conference proceedings.
Archaeopress will also be providing a book stall where conference attendees can browse (and purchase) a selection of their publications. In addition to this, Archaeopress have offered to publish the conference proceedings! So if you haven’t submitted a paper yet, now might be the time… Check out the Call for Papers for more information on the submission process and deadline.
The Council for British Archaeology are generously providing us with backlogs of their magazines to give to delegates.
Brewhouse and Kitchen are generously providing us with three mini kegs of beer/ale for our reception on the Friday night and are also offering delegates 10% off coupons that are redeemable from Monday to Friday until 6PM. We will hand out coupons to delegates at registration, however, if you would like the coupon sent over email so that you can use it before the conference, then please send us an email and we will send the e-coupon over. If you would like to check out the Brewhouse website you can click this link: Southampton – Brewhouse & Kitchen – Microbrewery and pub (brewhouseandkitchen.com).
Any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the UTP 2023 conference committee via email at unravellingpalaeo@gmail.com.
To keep up to date with conference information make sure to keep an eye out in your email inboxes or follow us on our Facebook page or on our Twitter and Instagram (@UnravelPalaeo), using the hashtag #Unravelling2023. If you wish to be added to the UTP 2023 mailing list, please contact us using the above email address.
We look forward to welcoming you to Southampton in 2023!