Arrival and registration
All conference events will take place on Avenue Campus, Highfield Road, Southampton, SO17 1BF. The Parkes Building (65) and the Archaeology Building (65a) will be the only accessible buildings during the conference (see map in Figure 1). Volunteers will be on-hand and there will be ample signage located across campus to ensure that any questions regarding the conference and room locations can be found easily.
Registration will be located on Level 1 of the Parkes Building in the reception area (see map in Figure 1). Registration will be open from 08:00 on Friday 31st of March. We will have a complete list of conference delegates, so all that will be required of you is to provide your name and a form of photo identification. You will be provided with your conference name badge and if you ordered lunch for the conference, you will also be provided with lunch tokens.
Refreshments and exhibitors’ space will be located in the east and south corridors of the Parkes Building.
Although there are four entrances located in the Parkes Building, only the South Entrance will be used during the conference (see map in Figure 1).
Eduroam is available throughout Avenue Campus.
For delegates without access to Eduroam, there is a University of Southampton guest wi-fi service (WiFi Guest).
To access WiFi Guest:
- Look for ‘WiFi Guest’ under the available wi-fi networks on your device
- You will be taken to a Sky Wifi page, click on the ‘Continue’ button
- Either log in or create a new account to get access to free wi-fi
During breaks, tea, coffee and other refreshments will be provided as part of your conference fee. These will be available in the hallway space outside of Lecture Theatre B.
To keep the conference as eco-friendly as possible, we will be providing UTP2023 branded travel mugs as we will not be providing crockery for the teas/coffees. We ask that you use this mug for the teas and coffee which will be available throughout the conference and washing up facilities will be provided and clearly indicated. There will also be a limited number of disposable cups available, but these are spares from previous departmental events and therefore once they are used there are no more!
The lunch break on Friday will take place between 12:40-13:30 and on Saturday between 12:50-13:50. Lunch is provided for those who have pre-booked. Catering will be located in the corridor outside of Lecture Theatre B. If you have not booked lunch for the conference, please note that the Avenue Café will be open from 08:30-15:45 on Friday only. There are, however, other events happening on campus that day so the cafe is usually quite busy between 12:00 and 13:00 BST with lunch at 12:40 and 13:30 BST on the Friday there should be enough time to purchase lunch.
Our sponsors Brewhouse and Kitchen (a few minutes’ walk away from the campus) are offering delegates 10% off coupons that are redeemable from Monday to Friday until 6PM. So, if you didn’t get a chance to order catering for the Friday or you are arriving before the conference, you can head over to the Brewhouse to use the 10% discount off of your total bill. We will hand out coupons to delegates at registration, however, if you would like the coupon sent over email so that you can use it before the conference, then please send us an email and we will send the e-coupon over.
You are welcome to bring your own lunch to the conference with you, seating will be available in the Avenue Café sitting area. The closest supermarkets are Sainsburys and Waitrose on Portswood Highstreet. There are local pubs, such as The Cowherds and Brewhouse and Kitchen, and a variety of local dining venues on Portswood Highstreet, all of which are within 15-minute walking distance.