Dr Lucie Bolton
Kent Wildlife Trust

I joined CAHO in 2009/10 when I studied for a Masters in Palaeolithic Archaeology and Human Origins. I returned a year later to start my PhD looking at variations in Lower Palaeolithic core technology and the origins of Levallois. After completing my PhD I worked as a Palaeolithic consultant alongside Francis Wenban-Smith before starting a role as a Community Archaeologist on a National Lottery Heritage Funded project in Kent. This project took me away from the Palaeolithic and into the world of medieval and post-med archaeology. I thoroughly loved this project, I particularly enjoyed working with the volunteers. Many of the volunteers had little to no archaeology experience and it was a joy to discover more about the local heritage together. After almost four years on this project, I decided to change direction and took a non-archaeology role at Kent Wildlife Trust. Heritage and the environment are intrinsically linked and I knew the skills I had developed studying the past could be used to protect our planet for the future. I now create strategic partnerships with local businesses to generate income and increase engagement for the Trust.